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When you approach Advanced-writers.com for help finding MLA style writers we will spring into action getting your project paired with just the right professional writer. We have a system in place to make sure that the paper you request will be done perfectly done to the bibliography.

College papers ask for many specific formatting and citation specifics. MLA citations have some key features to correctly include in your essay:

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  • Author
  • Source Title
  • Container Title (if applicable)
  • Version Number
  • Publisher
  • Date Published
  • Publishing Location

The MLA format introduces the concept of containers to help writers think about how to reference different types of media in today’s digital landscape. For example, a short story title would be the source title, and the full book or anthology title would be the container title. Nested titles like that can also be found in other publications, including (but not limited to):

  • Academic journals containing individual scholarly papers.
  • Websites containing individual articles, videos, or other media.
  • Newspapers containing particular stories.
  • A Research Conference containing an individual lecture.

The latest edition of this style uses this container convention because it is becoming more and more common to find a source of media that has been republished in a place other than its original context. This makes publication formats difficult to define sometimes. You can find more about this style of citations at the Modern Language Association website (MLA.org).


Since it was developed by a literary association, writers working on pieces in the area of humanities and literature typically will use the MLA style of citations. Some subjects that prefer to use this reference format include:

  • Classics, Philology and Literature
  • Literature and Media Criticism
  • Sociology and Cultural Studies
  • Theology and Comparative Religion
  • Linguistics and Foreign Language Studies

We employ the top writers in each of these fields who know the recent eighth edition MLA Manual backwards and forwards, so they can make your next paper flawless.


Our diverse team of writers are fluent English speakers and have Masters and Ph.D. degrees in your subject. We get your project specifications up front so that we can give you an honest price, just tell us:

  • The desired length of the essay;
  • The topic to be written about;
  • The format you need including the citation style: such as MLA or Harvard;
  • How many references the paper must contain;
  • The due date. We will make time for revisions!

Check our website periodically for more writing tips from our experts and see our pricing page for more information. There is no need to procrastinate on that assignment any longer; you can get a hold of our representatives via chat, email or phone right now to buy MLA essay online.

Act fast because the seasonal discounts constantly change and you will want to take advantage of the promotions we have today! Call us or log onto Advanced-writers.com and ask about our new student discounts for the best value in online writing services!

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